Category: Uncategorized

  • Tips to Make Your Dog’s Vet Experience Less Stressful


    Does your dog experience anxiety or stress every time you enter the veterinary clinic? This can make simple procedures such as physical exams, vaccinations or nail trims very difficult to complete and often the dog will associate the clinic with their stressful experience. Here are some simple tips that you can try to make your…

  • Puppy Socialization


    Do you have a new puppy? Congratulations! We are going to talk about the importance of puppy socialization, while they’re still young. Socialization is very important in several ways. Puppies who are properly socialized may have a better time at the vet and not be as scared or nervous as some dogs tend to be.…

  • Leptospirosis


    Leptospirosis is an infection caused by the bacteria Leptospira. This bacteria is typically spread by wild animals, and can effect our pets if they are exposed. Lepto poses as a zoonotic risk. This means that the infection can be passed to humans. Dogs are the most common household animal that may become infected with Leptospirosis.…

  • Heat Stroke


    As the warmer weather approaches, all pet owners should be aware of the possibility of heat stroke. Heat stroke, also referred to as hyperthermia or heat exhaustion, is defined as an increase in body temperature caused by environmental conditions (typically heat and humidity). In the Maritimes, heat stroke can catch owners by surprise, as we…

  • A Dirty Little Secret – Coprophagia


    There’s nothing more disgusting than seeing your furry friend eat its own or another dog’s poop. In a lot of cases, they are proud of the behaviour, and then come in for some praise, or god forbid, a big wet kiss. Owners near and far ask themselves why is my dog doing this? What’s wrong…

  • Grain Free – What does it mean?


    Grain free: food that contains no corn, soy, wheat, rice, barley or other grains. In July 2018, the FDA launched an investigation linking grain free diets and Canine Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) (enlarged heart) due to an overwhelming spike in diagnosed cases. Dogs are omnivores – meaning they ingest both plant and animal matter. Unless your…

  • Osteoarthritis in Dogs


    Osteoarthritis (OA) is more common in dogs than some people may realize. In fact, approximately 50% of dogs ages 5-10yrs have some form of Osteoarthritis. Other terms associated with this disease would be Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD), Arthrosis, as well as Osteoarthrosis. There are a few contributing factors that can help prevent or slow down…

  • Keeping Your Pets Happy During the Pandemic


    Since the impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic, and having to adjust to a new sense of normal, this new lifestyle has become hard on only us humans, but on our pets as well.  Pet owners, and especially new pet owners, have had to deal with several unfamiliar issues with their pets that have developed…